
Safety Management System
The Group always adheres to "safety first" as the core guidance for construction and production work.

Longfor Group strictly adheres to the Work Safety Law of the People's Republic of China, the Construction Law of the People's Republic of China, the Administrative Regulations on the Work Safety Construction Projects, the Report on production safety accident and regulations, the Guardianship construction safety inspection standards, and other laws and regulations. We have formulated safety production management systems such as Longfor Group Construction Safety Management Measures for Projects Under Construction, Longfor Group Engineering Safety Management System, and other safe production management systems so that safety hazards in the production process are proactively prevented and eliminated, and the responsibilities of relevant personnel at each level are clarified.

Longfor Group formulated the Health and Safety Management Policy,covering all business lines of the Group, and required all suppliers and contractors to comply with the policy. At the same time, we made the safety management work of material production suppliers and the configuration of safety management personnel one of the important conditions for selecting suppliers, in order to create a safe, decent, and harmonious workജing environment for employees, tenants/customers, suppliers/contractors, and partners.

Longfor Group has established a three-tiered safety management system of "Group-Regional Company-Project" to clarify the responsibilities of health and safety management at each level and to implement a safety production responsibility system. In addition, we implement a system o💜f accountability for safety accidents and link safety performance, including significant safety accidents, casualties, and fire accidents, to managemen✨t and employee remuneration and bonuses.

Three-tier Safety
Management System
Group Safety Management
Regional Safety Management
Project Safety Management
The Real Estate Headquarters is responsible for health and safety risk assessment, knowledge training, special inspection, and assessment evaluation
The Regional General Manager is responsible for all health and safety matters in the regional companies
The project engineering manager is primarily responsible for the health and safety of project personnel and all health and safety issues within the project's scope

Daily Safety Management

Phase Management and Control Mechanism

Establishing Safety Emergency Plans

Safety Management Structure
Safety Personnel Assessment
Safety Patent Plans
Organizing Safety Checks
Executing Safety Responsibilities
Including Management and Control in the Contract
Hosting Safety Meetings
Holding Safety Exhibitions
Safety Production Goal

In 2022, to achieve controllable safety and eliminate safety man🅷agement risks in the projects currently under construction, Longfor Group set the safety management goal.

Safety Production Goal: zero production safety accidents of average or above level within our responsibility; 5 percent decreaಞse in production safety accid🐓ents of the average or above level of related-party (including contractor) responsibility.

The CEO of the group is responsible for managing and the ESG committee supervises the group's health and safety related strategies and performance, as well as the progress of health and safety goals.

Safety Management
  • Responsible Entity

    We establish special safety personnel in regional companies and incorporate specific actions into
    a comprehensive table o🤡f full-cycle engineering control

  • Contractual Management

    We specify safety management st✨andards andౠ require strict implementation of standardized atlases in our contracts

  • Safety Education

    In all projects, we implement safety morning meetings and promote the model of
    “Safety Self-inspection Drill and Safety Morn🌊ing Meeting.”

  • Safety Meeting

    Each month the regional companies have to conduct management meetings for construction safety
    briefings and monthly safety special meetings

  • Safety Check

    We have modified the form of third-party safety inspections, updated the safety
    checklist in its entirety, andꦍ 🧸clarified key risk control items

  • Management of major hazard sources

    We expand the management requirements for tall moldings, firefighting facilities, and deep foundation
    pits and clarify the four major risk control standa꧅rds and principles

  • Main Responsible Risk Management

    We emphasize the phasal risk management of the main responsibility by mandating the formation of a management checklist, increasing the frequency of safety checks, and inst🃏ituting measures for personnel reserves

  • Red-lined Items Management

    We have optimized♔ and adjusted 9 red-lined items and clear-content scale, all included in the rew෴ard and penalty provisions

Safety Training

Longfor Group prioritized workplace safety training and condu𝓰cted regular safety training sessions for all employees and contractors. The topics covered included electricity safety, fire safety, and finishing management. Additionally, the Group organized the month of workplace safety activities to enhance awareness of workplace safety among all construction personnel. In 2023, the Group delivered 10 workplace safety courses, with over 50,000 employees participating, and conducted 6 online training courses on workplace safety for contractors, with more than 160,000 contractors taking part.

    Safety Training Series

    In 2023, Longfor Group conducted a series of training programs for regional safety post💞s, Party-A project departments, supplier supervision teams, supplier safety leaders, and machinﷺe controllers, including training on large machinery and safety management system.

    Education at Regular Safety Meetings
    Safety Exemplar Exhibition
    Safety Awareness Promotion

    We require the regཧional companies and projects to show safety warning films and accident cases at monthly safety meetings to warn and educate the principal🧸ly responsible persons of suppliers and increase their safety awareness.

    We will display safety education platforms, safety belt warnings, VR display, safety civilization demonstration zone, and high-rise formwork sample, and organize suppliers and external units to visit and observe to enhance th💧e brand influence of Longfor.

    We continue to conduct regular s🙈afety awareness promotion activities, such as production safety month, safety knowledge contests, and emergency drills, to improve our employees' safety awareness and professional competence significantly.

    Supervision and Evaluation

    Longfor Group carries out regular safety inspections within the Company and to suppliers in line with the Engineering Third Party Inspection and Evaluation System 2023, focusing on safety management during the construction process. The inspection frequency adheres to the basic requirements of “once a week by projects, once a month by regional companies, once a quarter by the Group and twice a year by third-party inspections. These safety inspections encompass daily, monthly, and pre-holiday checks, inspections d﷽uring the month of workplace safety as well as special inspections for fire safety and winter construction. Additionally, we irregularly engage third-party organizations to conduct safety inspections. This comprehensive approach allows us to promptly identify and address potential safety hazards, providing a guarantee for reducing safety risks.

    Safety Inspection System

    • Third-party Safety Inspection
    • Monthly Inspection by the Regional Company's Functional Departments
    • Safety Inspection before Festivals
    • Monthly Inspection of Safe Production
    • Group and Regional Large Machinery Inspection
    • Fire Prevention Special Inspection
    • Winter Construction Special Inspection
    • Fall-from-height Safety Special Inspection

    In addition, we establish a "Star and Punishment" system to clarify the rules of safety management penalties, including the Implementation Measures for Third Party Inspection of Real Estate Headquarters Projects and Management System for Third Party Inspection of Real Estate Headquarters Projects, to promote the further improvement of site safety standards systematically. Unqualified൲ inspection items must be rectified within a predetermined time frame, or total safety points will be deducted. Regional companies conduct semi-annual assessments and evaluations of regional safety specialties and project engineering managers, and link the results to semi-annual performance.

    We actively encourage the reporting of any health and safety risks, incidents, or accidents and provi𝄹de channels of communication. We also handle whistleblower information in strict confidence to avoid r⛄etaliation.